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Scottish Government and SGF publish guide for retailers transitioning to alcohol MUP

Scottish Government and SGF publish guide for retailers transitioning to alcohol MUP
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The Scottish Government and Scottish Grocer’s Federation have today (29) published an official Retailers Guide to MUP, ahead of the planned increase from 50p to 65p due to come into force next month

From 30 September, all Scottish businesses selling alcohol products to the public will be required to charge at least 65 pence per unit of alcohol.

The increase is not expected to see price changes across all product ranges. It targets alcohol cheap relative to strength in an effort to reduce harm from the overconsumption of alcohol.

The joint Scottish Government and SGF guide takes a comprehensive look at everything sellers need to know to comply to the law. Including information on how to calculate the correct Minimum Unit Price, worked examples across a wide range of possible product types, easy to understand technical support, and best practice from those in the know.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in producing this valuable guide which will help retailers across Scotland implement the new minimum unit price,” said Public Health Minister Jenni Minto.

“Research commended by internationally renowned public health experts estimated that our world-leading policy has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and contributed to reducing health inequalities.”

Pete Headshot 5SGF Chief Exec, Dr Pete Cheema OBE

Dr Pete Cheema OBE, SGF Chief Executive, added: “Earlier this year SGF updated our online advice and MUP calculator with the new minimum unit price, announced by the Scottish Government in February. We are now delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Scottish Government to deliver this essential Retailers Guide to MUP.

“SGF’s primary aim is to promote responsible, community-based retailing. Being able to support local licensed traders with the changeover will help ensure full compliance and give retailers the confidence they need to carry on operating within the law.

“I want to thank the Minister and her team for their support in developing the Guide and working closely with SGF in recent months to raise awareness about the changes to MUP.”

Alongside the Guide, SGF has provided additional materials to help train staff and raise public awareness of the increase in price, such as in-store posters, self-edge labelling and a staff training record. All available online here:.

SG&SGF – MUP Retailers Guide (Aug 2024)
MUP Retailers Guide, Posters & Shelf Edge Labels

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