A special category born out of the pandemic, Shop Safety Best Practice Award at the 31st Asian Trader Awards has got deserving winner in Pete Patel, whose efforts represented the epitome of the hard work and persistence that independent retailers have shown in upholding the rules of hygiene and social distancing.
And, it has indeed been a rare honour as this was the second consecutive win for Pete at Asian Trader Awards, after bagging the Bakery Retailer of the Year award in 2019.
While the new category has seen strong contenders, reflecting the serious commitment of independent retailers in fighting the pandemic, Pete’s safety practices have been simply outstanding, whether it’s the ‘bouncer’ on the door counting customers in and out and sanitising all baskets or the regular use of a safe-for-food fogging machine.
Costcutter Heanor
“As soon as the Covid situation started to happen, we put Perspex screens up straightaway for our staff at the tills and we've got hand sanitiser units all around the store for the customers,” Pete explains.
They put a one way system in, allowing only 15 shoppers in store at a time, and also a queue management system as well, which has attracted praise from his new and old customers alike. “We actually had a member of staff standing on the door all day, not only to limit the number of people coming in, but to sanitise the baskets and trolleys and stuff,” he says.
With hygiene a main priority, they have also invested heavily in a fogging machine to regularly disinfect the store. “We got a fogging machine which is a machine that kills 99% of bacteria and viruses and once a week we would walk around the shop to spray the whole shop with this fogging machine,” he adds.
They had lots of display stands all over the floors which were all removed to give people more space to walk around, making aisles wider for social distancing. They also switched deliveries as late as possible so the shops were being filled over night time rather than the day, thus avoiding staff and customers mixing all the time. Deliveries went directly to a warehouse, which again meant wider aisles for people to social distance.
Costcutter Heanor
“We increased obviously our cleaning, which we're still doing now, so all the touch points would be washed every two to three hours: the fridge door handles, baskets, key pads (of card machines), and anywhere people were touching quite a lot. We were making sure they were all wiped all the time, trying to stop this question of contamination,” he says.
He also ensured that customers could get everything they need for a full shop. At the height of the pandemic, they even hired vans to collect stock from suppliers who were no longer able to deliver. Key items were restricted to three per customer – “no prices were ever inflated,” he adds - including masks. When hand sanitizer was hard to find, he worked with their supplier to offer customers a refill station where they could bring empty bottles and refill them in-store.
“We offered free home deliveries to vulnerable and elderly customers. NHS workers offered 10 per cent discount in-store,” he adds.
Safety, still in place
Pate has five convenience stores, all under Costcutter fascia, and a Bargain Booze outlet. He has ensured that staff at his stores were taken care of, when it comes to their safety.
“Our staff have gone above and beyond, coming in every day even at the height of the pandemic. We ensure all staff are provided with all PPE equipment including masks, visors and gloves. Any staff that had to travel on public transport we were paying for them to travel by Uber so that they didn't have to use public transport during the pandemic,” he explains.
Pete also ensured that they have been rewarded throughout the pandemic for their hard work with regular bonuses.
He has taken these measures at all of his stores, and many of these are still in place even after the pandemic restrictions are ended. “The cleaning schedule is continuing. The screens are still in place, hand sanitisers are still in place. We're still supplying all the PPE for the staff. We're asking the staff to still wear masks. We've still got posters up asking the customers if they can to wear a mask but we're not enforcing it,” he explains.
Costcutter Southborough store
The mask rules were often a source of contention in many a store, especially when the government made them mandatory, sometimes leading to abuse, and even violence, against shop staff. Pete, however, says their customers have been very respectful of the staff and other shoppers.
“The way we approached the customers, obviously customers that were not wearing masks, we just asked them politely and said’ look if you can, wear a mask, or if you've forgotten a mask, we have a mask’, and we offered them a disposable mask for free,” he explains, adding that they never actually had an issue where people, saving the one or two, are not happy or wouldn't wear it.
“Most of the time what we found it wasn't people didn't want to wear it. People were not used to bring it on with them at the beginning. So we used to just have a box of masks available to customers and then we offered a mask and if they said ‘oh no I can't wear it’ then obviously we let them carry on,” he adds.
Pete believes that shoppers now expect better hygiene standards at stores. “I think it's important that they feel confident when they come into the store: they can see the standards are high, they can see the baskets are being wiped every time, and it's not overcrowded,” he says.
In fact, at some of the smaller stores, he has still kept the one way system in place.
Sustainable steps
Pete is also a pioneer in sustainability and zero waste who makes sure to move away from pre-packed fruit and vegetables and introduce packaging refill stations for store cupboard essentials whenever he does a refit to his stores.
At his Brockley, Lewisham store, they now use recycled paper bags for loose produce, that are much in demand as many of the customers live in shared housing or flats and don’t prefer big bags of produce. They have also introduced specialist bags for organic cooking ingredients, nuts and pulses and all are sold in biodegradable packaging.
The Southborough, Tunbridge Wells store, opened in September last year, has a refill station, which is now dutifully supported by the shoppers. “During the pandemic, it wasn't too fast because obviously people weren't happy with open, they weren’t open, there’s a seal, but people were handling stuff. They were a bit concerned. But since the turn of the year, it's picking up nicely,” he notes.
His latest store at Meopham, Gravesham , which is scheduled for a full refit and expansion in December before re-launching in January next year, will also have the refill station.
Refill station at Costcutter Southborough store
Pete takes a meticulous, data-driven approach to store refurbishments, and thoroughly researches the area and demographic. When he did the refit of his Brockley store in 2018, he carried out a couple of surveys, one inside the store and one of customers that were not visiting the store, in addition to the data on their customer persona from Costcutter’s Shopper First programme.
The independent survey revealed that they weren’t offering enough promotions, pricing was too high and there was a demand for a more extensive vegan offering. They did the refit based on the feedback, creating designated vegan spaces throughout the store, in chilled, ambient and frozen categories. Vegan sales would double after the refit, with the store becoming the destination for vegan foods in the area.
At Southborough, he worked with Costcutter’s store development team to convert the site into a modern convenience store offering shoppers a wide range of fresh food and the option of doing a ‘full shop’ closer to home. The 1600 sq ft store achieved 200 per cent of its sales target in the first week itself.
Costcutter Southborough
And he hopes to do an encore at Meopham. “Its complete refurbishment, we're doubling the size of the shop (currently 900 sq ft) and then it's going to be a total rewire. Everything is going to be brand new.”
Ready meals will be a focus of the store, as the Shopper First programme has pinpointed Younger Tonighters - looking for fresh easy meals to go - representing a fair share of all shopper personas.
Pete notes that, generally, more people are eating at home now, and their visits to restaurants have slowed down. Alcohol sales are also on the rise as people are staying away from crowded pubs. Across his stores, he is taking steps to tap into these opportunities.
“We're just making sure that we cover more of those requirements. We notice more people are going into premium wines than the basic ones. We've just increased our premium range. Where we can, we try to get the COOK frozen meals in,” he says. “Because what we're noticing [is that] the customers are quite happy to come in for a COOK meal and a bottle of wine.”
Finding chinks in multiple's armor
Alongside looking at what the requirements are in the area, Pete also makes sure that he looks at what the competition is doing. And if it's a multiple competition - Tesco is just four doors away from the Meopham store – he will be looking more at what they're not doing good at.
“We will concentrate on that because we know we can compete on what they're not good at,” he says. “We're not going to affect their business. We're not going to close a Tesco down. But I feel there's enough market share for all of us to have enough trade.”
Costcutter Brockley
This is a tried and tested formula for him, something he did splendidly at this Brockley store, which has two Sainsbury’s, a Co-op and independently owned convenience stores all within walking distance. Each of the small sections they introduced as a point of difference, be it the vegan range or the craft beers, they had to later increase as departments. The store’s vegan range has become so extensive and successful, it prompted the local Sainsbury’s store to reduce their vegan offering and direct shoppers to them instead.
He is planning to do more food to go at Meopham, with a deli counter and all. “It's not just standard food to go. We're going to push cheeses and stuff like that. Again, it's something that the Tesco doesn't do. It's different to what they're doing,” he notes.
Pete also picks a lot of ideas from across the pond. “I do a lot of research online and a lot what's going on in the US and Canada. Especially the food to go areas like the milkshakes and stuff, I just see what's coming there,” he says.
Costcutter Southborough store
While food to go sales generally went down last year as a result of the pandemic restrictions, Pete observes that the sales are now back to pre-pandemic levels. On the other hand, overall sales are down on last year when compared to the peaks of last year (their weekly sales at Brockley rose from £40,000 to £120,000 at the height of the pandemic!), but still on average 20 per cent up on the pre-pandemic levels.
They are also resuming their community engagement activities this month, with a barbecue event at the Southborough store. “A local butcher is going to get involved and all the money we raise, will go to the chosen charity (Macmillan Cancer Support).
He believes home delivery, which picked up pace during the pandemic, is going to be an important part of the business going forward. They only have it in one store presently, but his aim is to create their own platform once they expand the service to one or two more stores.
Follow the trends
Pete’s parents bought their first shop in 1980, in Orpington, Kent, when he was just five. They still own their second shop in Brentwood, where he also has the Bargain Booze store. His other store is in Heanor, Derbyshire, bought in 2016 alongside the Brockley site.
He has been brought up around shops all his life, joining the trade filling shelves by colour. He believes one need to focus on trends to stay on top in the ever-evolving convenience retail landscape, and he would also tell his fellow retailers to focus on their shops. “Don't worry about what next door is doing or, or the shop across the road. Focus on your own shop.”
Costcutter Southborough store
He also thinks it's important to delegate. “As a retailer, you can't do everything yourself. If you've got a good team or staff around, you then delegate stuff to them, because they'll probably do it just as good as what you can. And it just frees your time up,” he notes.
Running six stores, he explains how store managers and staff play a crucial role in his business. “I get the start, and make sure they feel part of the store. They're always in the front line. So if you've got an event, I make sure they're always involved in that. And I keep the store managers up to date with any decisions I'm making in the background which affect the store.”
And, at the end of the day, a positive feedback from the customer is what makes him feel good. “Because everyone's really quick to give negative feedback,” he notes. “But when we get positive, which happens quite often, you know, we will get an email sent to the store saying how happy they were with the service, or great the store looks. And that's what makes me happy.”
“When someone takes the time out to just say, ‘I'm happy with what you've done’, it makes you feel good.”
VApril, the largest and most successful vape awareness campaign in the world, is returning for its eighth year amid record-high misperceptions around vaping and stop smoking tool.
Created by the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA), the initiative comes at a critical time for the UK vaping sector, with half of smokers wrongly believing vaping is as harmful - or worse - than smoking.
Launching next week, VApril will focus on dispelling myths, helping smokers make the switch and, critically, emphasising the need for greater public education about vaping as the most effective quitting tool available.
The campaign follows the release of Freedom of Information data exposing a shocking lack of government investment in stop-smoking campaigns and comes ahead of a potential advertising ban under the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.
As part of the campaign, the UKVIA is releasing an expert interview with health psychologist and stop smoking specialist Sairah Salim-Sartoni, who shares the latest evidence on vaping and addresses the dangerous misperceptions which are blocking smokers from making the switch.
It will also be sharing a series of written and video testimonials from real vapers whose lives have been changed by the reduced risk alternative; launching an educational social media campaign to arm smokers with the facts about vaping; and rolling out a library of informative guides and infographics, including:
A five-step Start Vaping, Stop Smoking plan to help smokers make the switch
A Stay Smokefree Guide to help disposable users transition to reusables ahead of the June 2025 ban
A Responsible Vaping Guide to help vapers ensure they are being considerate of those around them
A 10 Vaping Truths factsheet which breaks down key evidence about vaping
The campaign will also include a parliamentary session to communicate the importance of vaping and public education in securing a smokefree future.
The UKVIA is also hosting its ‘Clearing the Air’ webinar - where an expert panel, including a stop-smoking specialist and a senior research nurse, will discuss how healthcare professionals can confidently talk to patients about vaping.
Said UKVIA Director General John Dunne, “Vaping has played a crucial role in driving UK smoking rates to an all-time low, helping millions finally quit for good. Yet, growing misinformation is stopping it from reaching its full potential in securing a smokefree future.
“VApril was created as our answer to the need for greater awareness about vaping and it has successfully supported smokers in making the switch for eight years.”
He continued: “To have the best possible chance of helping the remaining six million smokers transition away from cigarettes, the government must invest in public education to correct the narrative surrounding vaping. Smokers deserve to know the facts.”
In addition to the core focus of helping smokers make the switch, and correcting the myths about the proven quitting tool, this year’s VApril campaign will also deliver guidance on the key areas of "Identifying Illegal Vapes and Recycling Awareness".
This is to ensure consumers can ‘better protect themselves and the planet as they make the lifechanging decision to quit through vaping’.
VApril – as the largest vaping education campaign in the world – has supported smokers looking to quit by providing evidence-based guidance on making the switch and addressing the biggest myths and misperceptions about the most effective stop smoking tool available today.
All downloadables and resources will be accessible through the VApril.org website from the launch of the campaign.
Almost all convenience stores in Wales engaged in some form of community activity last year, shows a latest report, shedding light on the value that Wales’ 3,000+ convenience stores provide as community hubs, local employers of over 26,000 people, and significant contributors to the Welsh economy.
Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has officially launched its 2025 Welsh Local Shop Report, celebrating the key contributions that Welsh convenience stores make to their communities.
The report acts as its own standalone branch of the ACS Local Shop Report, focusing on the positive impacts that Welsh convenience stores have on their local communities, often providing key services that have declined or disappeared from those areas.
The 2025 Welsh Local Shop report was launched today (26) at Tŷ Hywel, Cardiff, where members gathered together to discuss and celebrate the significant role that local shops play in Welsh communities, as well as the unique challenges faced by Welsh businesses.
Key figures from this year’s report include:
Welsh shops contributed to £656bn in GVA over the last year
Welsh shops provide over 26,000 secure, local jobs to their communities
38 per cent of these stores are isolated with no other retail or service business close by
93 per cent of independent retailers in Wales engaged in some form of community activity over the past year
Welsh convenience stores were voted the second most important business in supporting their local economy by Welsh shoppers
Over the last year, convenience stores in Wales have invested over £43m in their businesses. 65 per cent fund investments from own reserves while refigeration turned out to be the most common area of investment, states the report.
87 per cent of Welsh independent retailers own one store, while 14 per cent of retailers never take holidays.
33 per cent of Welsh convenience stores offer delivery service while 29 per cent has a Post Office.
Talking about food to go, 38 per cent of Welsh convenience stores has customer operated coffee machine, 27 per cent has food preparation area, 25 per cent has in-store bakery while 21 per cent has hot food counter.
About 77 per cent of stores has EPOSW and 52 per cent has store website, adds the report. 96 per cent of stores has CCTV.
The average basket size is 2.7 items and average spend is £8.29.
ACS chief executive James Lowman said, “The Welsh convenience sector has once again proved its resilience in providing secure, flexible jobs and acting as an important service hub for customers to access the products and services they need daily.
“We hope that the Welsh government will support retailers in Wales such as the rising operational costs of trading, so that they can continue to act as community anchors for their residents.”
British inflation slowed more than expected in February, bringing some relief to consumers ahead of a likely new pick-up in price growth and to finance minister Rachel Reeves before her budget update speech today (26). However, analysts have warned that it inflation will be pushed again soon due to costs arising from the Budget.
Consumer prices rose by 2.8 per cent in annual terms in February after a 3.0 per cent increase in January, the Office for National Statistics said, as clothing and footwear prices fell for the first time in more than three years.
Economists polled by Reuters had pointed to a reading of 2.9 per cent in February while the Bank of England had expected 2.8 per cent in a set of forecasts published in early February.
Economists warned that rising energy prices will push inflation up again soon.
"February's slowdown is a false dawn as notable near-term price rises are already baked in, with next month's jump in energy bills and national insurance likely to push inflation perilously close to 4% sooner rather than later," Suren Thiru, Economics Director at accountancy body ICAEW, said.
He said the BoE would remain wary about price pressures.
"While a May policy loosening remains on the table, rate setters will want to gauge the effect of April’s major jump in business costs and any measures announced in the Spring Statement before proceeding with another rate cut," Thiru said.
Responding to the latest CPI inflation figures, Kris Hamer, Director of Insight of the British Retail Consortium, said, “Headline inflation fell marginally in February, driven by marginal drops in housing and household services and clothing and footwear entering deflation.
"Despite continued cost pressures, namely energy price volatility, food inflation remained unchanged. There was good news as some dairy products such as milk, cheese and eggs all saw price drops on the month.
"Heavy clothing and footwear discounting continued into February, as fashion sales continue to suffer due to unseasonal weather throughout the month.
“Retail operates on tight margins and it would be impossible to absorb all £5bn of new costs which hit the industry in April.
"Food inflation has jumped significantly in recent months and is forecast to hit 5 per cent by the end of 2025 as a result of the costs arising from the Budget.
"On top of this, retailers are still burdened by an outdated business rates system. It is vital that the government’s reform of business rates doesn’t impose additional costs onto retailers. Reform must leave no shop paying more.”
Premium mixer brand Fever-Tree saw its revenue growth accelerate to 7 per cent in the second half of its financial year to 31 December, helping it recover from a wet start to the summer season in 2024.
The firm’s total revenue was up 4 per cent to £364 million over the 12-month period, despite a 3 per cent drop to £111.1m in the UK, where low consumer sentiment and a declining gin category hit demand for its products.
Performance was driven by its operation in the US, where revenues jumped 9 per cent to £128.0m after growing its presence in the off-trade.
Meanwhile, a significant gross margin improvement resulted in a 66 per cent increase in adjusted EBITDA to £50.7m, which was in line with analysts’ expectations. Fever-Tree stated that this was helped by operational improvements such as the localisation of production.
In January, Fever-Tree entered into a deal with Molson Coors that saw the brewer become the exclusive sales, distribution and production partner for the mixer brand in the US.
The tie-up was underpinned by Molson Coors acquiring an 8.5% shareholding in Fever-Tree for a cash consideration of £71.0m.
Fever-Tree entered the US market in 2008 and has since become the number one tonic and ginger beer brand in the country. The British firm noted at the time that the combination with Molson Coors’ expertise and scale would allow it to “drive the brand to the next level in its largest and most dynamic market”.
Fever-Tree said today that while only a few weeks have passed since the announcement of the deal, sales momentum has remained strong and good initial progress has been made.
The company stated that it was expecting 2025 to be a “transition year” for the US business and, therefore, was “comfortable” with consensus expectations of low single-digit group revenue growth and around 12 per cent adjusted EBITDA margin for the year.
Tim Warrillow, Co-Founder and CEO, commented: “The Fever-Tree brand performed well in 2024, despite the subdued consumer environment.
"Across every key region, we are gaining market share, with more consumers discovering, enjoying, and becoming loyal to Fever-Tree each year across a growing variety of drinking occasions.
"This was particularly noticeable in our largest region, the US, where once again the brand grew strongly and well ahead of the market.
“Our growing market share continues to be driven by our deep understanding of global drinking trends allowing us to make the most of evolving consumer preferences. As a result, non-Tonic products now make up c.45% of our global revenues, driven by the success of our Ginger Beer and our expanding position in cocktail mixers and adult soft drinks.
“Looking to the future, our focus remains on unlocking Fever-Tree’s long-term potential across the world and capitalising on the unique position the brand has established sitting across alcohol and non-alcohol occasions.”
Co-op is stepping up the price war in the convenience sector by rolling out its version of the Aldi price match pledge, which has been adopted by several of the supermarket multiples in recent years.
From Wednesday (26), the Co-op will start matching the discounter’s prices on over 100 everyday essentials, including fresh fruit, milk, eggs and bread.
However, the savings will only be available to Co-op members, of which there are currently six million. And all of the items covered by the offer will be Co-op own brand lines.
As well as being available across all of Co-op’s 2,400 shops, the price commitment will extend to its quick-commerce delivery platforms, including Shop.coop, Deliveroo and Uber Eats, which it claims is an industry first.
Some of the Aldi price matched lines include Co-op 1 Pint British Milk (85p), Co-op Carrots 500g (38p), Co-op Chopped Tomatoes 400g (47p), Six Co-op British medium free-range eggs (£1.45), and Co-op Tiger Bloomer 800g (£1.45).
The launch of the price match commitment will be supported by a major marketing campaign.
The retailer stated that the move takes its investment into lowering prices to almost £170m over the last two years. This has included the launch of its Member Prices scheme in April 2023, with Co-op aiming to build its membership to eight million people.
“I am very clear that, in this current economic climate, price is most often the deciding food shopping factor for our members and customers,” said Matt Hood, Managing Director for Co-op.
“Which is why we are taking this big step to price match, in our stores and online, as we know discounter prices are often the benchmark of value for consumers, and we are facing directly into that … Price has often been perceived as the Achilles heel of convenience shopping, but this new initiative will change that and show there is no compromise in value, quality, or range to shopping conveniently.”
Sainsbury’s extended its Aldi price match scheme to its convenience chain in November last year, covering 200 items in its 800 Local format stores.