Bill Grimsey, as well as being a long-time friend of Asian Trader, is one of our great captains of industry, and has been involved in retail both here and internationally for five decades. The ex-CEO of Wickes, Iceland and Focus DIY, Grimsey also helmed Booker for a time and has been on the frontlines of the business battlefield over the years, emerging bloodied but hardened by the experience – and retaining his sense of humour.
He has a love of British towns and British retailing, and takes a personal interest in the fortunes of the nation’s high streets, which he sees as being slowly corroded and destroyed, first by out-of-town shopping, then online retail, and now Whitehall’s neglect and incompetence.
To that end, Grimsey has just published Against All Odds, his fourth research document in a series of investigations into the UK’s local stores– the small businesses he sees as the backbone of local economies and the living essence of national wellbeing, keeping alive communities threatened by international corporatism and the dead hand of big government.
He funds these papers himself so that he can give an independent opinion about the state of UK retail and what needs to be done to revive the country’s neglected and suffering town centres.
What is revealed is enlightening and deeply disturbing by turns. In short, thanks to the pandemic and unfair blunt government policies, the UK’s small Mom and Pop High Street businesses, along with the hospitality and services sectors as a whole, are now saddled with four or five times the debt levels they carried into lockdown.
On a cliff-edge
As the repayment period for government loans begins, furlough ends, and rents (and rates and taxes) begin to fall due once more, the High Street is standing on a cliff edge. For Grimsey, this situation is the culmination of forces ranged against local retail that he has been warning about for nearly a decade now.
“My original 2013 report was built entirely on the challenges facing our town centres brought about in the first place by the changing habits of shopping – online shopping and out-of-town shopping,” he explains. “It argued that we've got too many shops: we're going to have to close a lot of them down, we need to reinvent that towns around the community hub and ‘declone’ them – after we cloned them all over the last century.”
Grimsey had a vision of a re-invigorated local life and economy, where independent (rather than chain) local businesses support and feed-back into their communities, bringing prosperity and employment and social connection to the area.
Members of the public on a busy High Street on May 27, 2021 in Hounslow, England. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
“That message of a community hub based on health, education, entertainment, leisure, arts, crafts, and some shops, and the fact that we've got heritage to build on in every town so they can be different, hasn't changed,” he says.
But what has changed, and what he addresses in Against All Odds, is the catastrophic effect of the pandemic and lockdowns, amplified by Westminster maladroitness. Governmental damage added to the ravages of the virus was chiefly manifested, Grimsey believes, in the way that aid and permission was granted to big business at the expense of local stores and enterprises.
“We've uncovered an unfair playing field for independents versus bigger chains and bigger businesses, and that applies to your readers as well,” he says. “I acknowledge that the local convenience store during this pandemic has had probably a better time sales-wise than it's ever had. But the bigger chains, for example, were given the same rates reliefs as your readers.”
A rigged game
It wasn’t just rates that rankled: smaller specialist indies were forced to close while big chains selling the same products were allowed to continue trading.
“I said [to an all-party committee in Westminster last October] that giving Tesco, Sainsbury's et al., the business rate relief is totally unnecessary, they're going to have a bumper time and they don't need it. And lo and behold, about four weeks later Tesco came out and repaid theirs. And in fact, £2.3 billion has been repaid to the Treasury by embarrassed supermarkets and most of the bigger chains except those that are privately owned – so Iceland, The Range – Chris Dawson and these people have effectively got this money and it goes straight into their pockets.”
Redistributing the returned taxpayer largesse to small businesses that could actually be saved by it (and thereby helping local high streets and communities) seems to Grimsey a no-brainer. “It’s not fair,” he says, “so why don't we talk about how you can level that up a bit?”
One of Grimsey’s main contentions in the latest report is that the £2.3 billion – already budgeted for, repaid and therefore available as an accounting windfall – could wipe out at a stroke the fresh debt dragging down high street shops and services. It would be a justice jubilee that could make amends for the injury of watching their businesses waste away while more influential entrepreneurs bent the ear of government in their favour.
“People like Theo [Paphides] with Rymans was able to stay open by arguing that he was essential because of the Western Union that goes through there.” Grimsey opines with real frustration. “I've had stationers on the phone to me crying because they can't open. It wasn't fair, and that's the first thing we uncovered: the government was giving money away on a blanket basis.”
I remark that it all sounds like a typical Whitehall disaster: reactive, short-sighted and implemented by those who have never run a real business – the usual laments.
“I think you're right, and as [Chancellor] Sunak said, we'll do whatever it takes,” he says. “Now, here we are, at a point in time where the business rate belief is about to stop. And my review says independent retailers, particularly the ‘non-essential’ ones that were shut, and even your readers, should get an extension to that business rate relief, until at least April next year which is the end of the fiscal year for government.”
The debt noose
So also ease off with loading up stressed businesses with extra costs following their period of enforced revenue loss, where they’ve suffered disproportionately?
“That's a straightforward thing and everybody should be calling for that,” Grimsey nods. “The second thing that they've got to do is to look at the debts people have taken on. Our research has proven that many of these small businesses have balance sheets that wouldn't stand up to scrutiny for a normal loan with a bank under due diligence.”
In fact, Grimsey’s report reveals that businesses who have taken on most repayable grants and loans during lockdown are exactly the ones that could be damaged badly by this negative financial gearing. With over half small businesses capitalised at between just £25,000 and £100,000, the new pandemic-related debts could quickly sink them, and owners know this: Grimsey’s report highlights the mental distress of owners pushed to the brink by enforced closure – to the extent that he even reports on suicide pacts planned in the event of impending bankruptcy.
Photo: iStock
“The fact is that I believe, without being the bearer of doom and gloom, that there could be 50,000 minimum businesses go bust,” he says. “Most of them are family businesses, often backed by their houses, by the way. And let's say there was just five people in each business – and that's a very low-ball estimate – that’s 250,000 people unemployed. But the numbers are probably closer to ten people per business, so that's half a million suddenly out of work. And these people are so financially wrapped up in their businesses that they lose their livelihood.”
Grimsey is firm in his belief in the necessary solution to avert a looming catastrophe: “This government needs to look back at what it's done, which is the furlough exercise, the business rates exercise, the issues with landlords preventing them claiming back-rent and all the rest of it, and to let it go in one short, sharp burst.”
He points out that this has been done before – the idea of the government taking on debt to solve problems, and then slowly paying it off. He says that we have not finished repaying the USA for loans that helped the UK fight Hitler, and even more interestingly, he notes that the abolition of slavery was paid for by the nation for many years: “We've only just finished paying off the compensation to slave owners. Those slave owners were the landed gentry here. These are the people that are already at the top of the money tree. We've just finished compensating the establishment for slavery.”
If we can do that for the greater good, we can certainly spend something to save our high street businesses. Compensation should not only be for the already rich, he believes – or for the corporates who have done so well out of the lockdowns at the expense of local shops.
A new localism
Grimsey’s report is not all doom and gloom, though. Without wishing to invoke a cliché, it remains true that in every crisis an opportunity arises, and he sees this enormous “shaking of the box” that the pandemic has presented, as providing an opening, a chance to start doing things differently.
Grimsey knows whereof he speaks, having been at the cutting edge of globalisation that has been ongoing since at least the 1980s – a process that went a long way to hollowing out our high streets in the quest for ever cheaper and more convenient products.
“I de-seasonalised fresh food, along with a cohort of retailers, in the 1970s,” Grimsey confesses. “We single-handedly took every van salesman off the road and replaced them with centralised temperature control distribution, which enabled produce from all around the world to reach everybody's house. And today, my grandchildren don't know that strawberries only grow six weeks of the year in this country. That has to stop,” he says, “that is going to be unpicked. We are going to re-seasonalise. My grand-daughters have already said that they don't want beans flown in from Kenya every day.”
Fresh beans from Kenya are cheap, but they keep Kenyans poor, for example, by restricting them to farming commodities instead of developing their own economy with value-added industries. Could it be that we have by unlucky pandemic chance reached a point where things could improve?
“I don't think there's any doubt,” Grimsey answers. “I’ve advocated localism on steroids since June of last year. I think the political landscape needs to be changed.”
His solution is localism, decentralisation, building back better – but from the bottom up, with people who live in these places and have skin in the game making decisions and pursuing outcomes that will personally affect them.
“We need to decentralise and in my view that starts with economic regions: northwest north east, Midlands, south east, south west, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Assemblies with lots of powers that then can be devolved down to the place-makers and the community-makers inside small locations.”
But for that to happen, he says, you need leaders that will stand up, step up to the plate. “And this review is actually quite damning of the chief executives of local authorities, saying that they're just plainly not good enough for this job. It's a massive job.”
He thinks local authorities need high calibre people because they are competing in a market, not running a soviet distribution system:
“You've got to compete for people to come and live, work, play and visit these places for a reason. And that reason is no longer Debenhams, it’s no longer Arcadia, it is no longer Gap. They're all closing down because we're changing our habits. So what are you actually doing to galvanise the community behind some vision for the future?”
This goes together with educating the young about the fact that just because it’s cheap and made in China or Vietnam, doesn’t mean it’s OK – for the local area or for the planet.
“For example, when I go out with my grandchildren, I say, where do you want to go? They say Primark. So I explain to them why they're not going to Primark, and about exploitation of labour, fast fashion contributing more CO2 to the climate than the world's jets do in a year. Suddenly their eyes open. I say, look, poor people are getting nothing to put that T-shirt in your basket for £2.”
Of course, it’s a big leap of imagination to believe that consumers will pay more because something is more ecological and produced locally – but Grimsey argues that it can make economic sense to bring manufacturing back home and redistribute the profits downward a bit from “shareholder level” (or indeed billionaire level) to a less exalted but quite liveable local level of mild prosperity for more people.
“Look, I am not a socialist,” he says hastily. “But I am advocating stakeholder capitalism, rather than just shareholder capitalism. What we need to do is to make sure everyone has a stake in the business, is benefiting from the business. And I've got no problem with entrepreneurs getting a level of wealth, which is more than some other people. That works, but let's not get to vulgar levels where ten people in the world own most of the world and can fly up in a spaceship and all that kind of stuff.”
In the end, the logic is simple: local businesses help local people, and they add up to making the country a more prosperous place for everybody.
“Every time a coffee shop opens in your town, if it's a Nero, a Costa or Starbucks, the pound that you spend there, most of it’s going abroad. Whereas we all know if it's local business, most of that pound you spend stays in the local economy, and it will be a much better place to be. And by the way, Starbucks still doesn't pay its taxes here. How long are we going to put up with all this?”
Again, it could just be that the lockdowns, while indebting many of our small businesses, have enabled the scales to fall from people’s eyes – certainly in convenience it appears that people have rediscovered the value of living locally.
“And local shops are the backbone of local communities: they not may not be the backbone of the economy as a whole in terms of numbers, in terms of pounds. But they are the backbone of the community and the UK economy, in terms of putting back something into society,” Grimsey concludes.
Against All Odds is a stirring battle cry for a struggle that is just beginning.
Independent drinks wholesaler LWC has recently launched a set of ambitious environment commitments, unveiling a significant acceleration in its sustainability drive.
Centred around five key pillars - "Climate, Facilities, Operations, Marketing & Communications, and People" - these new commitments provide a clear roadmap for how LWC intends to reduce its environmental impact, operate more responsibly, and drive sustainability across the drinks industry.
Notable commitments include:
25 per cent reduction in Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 2030
Engagement with top 20 suppliers to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 25 per cent by 2035
Accreditation achieved by 2026
Pilot HVO at key depots with bunded tanks by 2026
Electrify all warehouse equipment by 2030
2 per cent of annual profit donated to charity partners
Alongside its Headline Commitments, LWC has also unveiled a Green Ambassador Programme, the launch of a new internal ‘Sustainability & ESG Hub,’ plus the appointment of a new Sustainability Lead.
These developments follow the continued roll out of solar arrays across LWC sites, its road mile reduction partnership with Asahi, and the formation of its Sustainability Committee in 2024.
Ebrahim Mukadam, Managing Director for LWC commented, "Although we have been making progress in this space for some time, the announcement of our Headline Commitments alongside the launch of our green initiatives really underscores a strategic step change in pace for us.
“We have set our goals, supported them with robust action plans and are formally holding ourselves to account. We want to lead by example, by being transparent and taking responsibility for our own footprint, but also supporting our customers, partners, and suppliers to also make more sustainable choices.
“Sustainability isn’t just about business; it’s about people, communities, and the future we leave behind. By making these commitments now, we’re ensuring that LWC plays its part in protecting the planet for generations to come.”
With growing regulatory and consumer pressure for businesses to operate more sustainably, LWC is proactively positioning itself at the forefront of industry change.
By embedding sustainability into its business model and culture, the company is committed to not just making pledges, but delivering real, measurable impact.
Fulfilling a key request from those impacted by Post Office Horizon scandal, Department for Business and Trade today (3) announced that those who have had their convictions overturned will now have their conviction claims administered by the government, completely taking them out of the hands of the Post Office.
The Post Office will cease to be involved in the redress for postmasters with overturned convictions.
After a three-month transitional period, the Department for Business and Trade’s Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS) will broaden its scope to take on responsibility for redress for postmasters who have had their convictions overturned by the Courts.
These are currently dealt with by the Post Office through their Overturned Convictions scheme. This is something that postmasters, campaigners, and Parliamentarians, including the Business and Trade Select Committee, have all called for.
Stating that the victims have "suffered a huge amount", the department stated that while the government can’t fully put right what they have been through, it can make sure the compensation process "works better for them by listening to their grievances and acting upon them where possible to ensure postmasters are treated with dignity and respect".
"Today, this means ending the difficulty of dealing with the organisation which upended so many of their lives," stated the department.
The delivery of redress for victims of the Post office Horizon scandal is a key government manifesto commitment, with a commitment of £1.8 billion to ensure all postmasters receive the justice and financial redress they deserve.
Post Office Minister Gareth Thomas said, "My priority upon coming into office was to speed up the delivery of compensation to the victims of the Horizon scandal.
"We have made significant progress, and we are now moving to ensure there is a quick transfer of schemes from the Post Office to the Department.
"In the meantime, I encourage all those eligible to apply for redress under the Overturned Convictions scheme and continue to progress their claims with the Post Office until the transfer date."
The Department for Business and Trade will formally take over on June 3 2025. The three-month transitional period between now and then will allow for the smooth transfer of active claims from one scheme to the other, ensuring there is no gap in service for postmasters who have claims in the system.
As of 31 January, approximately £663 million has been paid to over 4,300 claimants, which has more than doubled since the end of June 2024.
Today’s announcement is the latest in a series of government actions to address the Post Office Horizon Scandal, including:
launching the Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme (HCRS) for postmasters whose horizon-related convictions were quashed by Parliament. This scheme has made 364 interim payments to eligible claimants and has fully settled 208 claims, paying out a total of £156 million.
on the HCRS, committing to provide first offers on receipt of detailed claims within 40 working days in 90 per cent of cases.
beginning payments of a £75,000 fixed offer for those postmasters in the Horizon Shortfall Scheme (HSS) who want to accept it: approximately £171 million has been paid in award top-ups and £75,000 awards.
publishing our response to the consultant’s report into the Post Office Capture software (predecessor to Horizon) and have committed to offering redress to all non-convicted postmasters who fell victim to flaws in Capture software.
announcing an independent appeals process for the HSS to provide individuals with a chance to have their claims reassessed through a DBT-run process. We expect the first cases will be ready for submission in the Spring.
confirmed the Horizon Compensation Advisory Board in place.
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Protein popularity surge sparks demand for cottage cheese, chicken
Retailers should stock well on protein-rich natural food and ingredients in the stores as recent surveys' findings indicate rise in demand for protein-laden ingredients majorly driven by social media-influenced Gen Z and millennial buyers.
According to a recent report from online grocer Ocado, nearly half of UK adults increased their protein intake in the past year. This figure rises to two-thirds for people aged 16 to 34.
The increase in popularity was largely driven by social media, with nearly 50 per cent of Gen Z using Instagram and TikTok for inspiration, compared to a third (35 per cent) of millennials and just 5 per cent for boomers.
Ocado said that searches on its website for high-protein food have doubled since 2023.
Demand for the low-fat, high-protein dairy product cottage cheese has increased by 97 per cent while demand for greek yoghurt is also up by 56 per cent.
Consumers are favouring natural protein sources, such as dairy and lean meat and turning away from the highly processed protein bars or protein shakes, which were in fashion a decade ago.
Searches for chicken breast are up 43 per cent, steak searches are up 39 per cent, tuna searches have risen by 35 per cent, and searches for egg whites are up 27 per cent.
Searchers for plant-based protein sources have also risen, with a 27 per cent increase in searches for chickpeas and an 18 per cent increase for lentils.
Nicola Waller, buying director at Ocado Retail, said, “Protein was once seen as the reserve of bodybuilders, but today, it’s a staple for anyone looking to eat well and feel their best. Consumers are becoming more conscious of where their protein comes from, favouring natural, whole-food options over ultra-processed alternatives.”
A nationally representative survey of 2,205 UK adults, conducted by Savanta, shows attitudes to protein have shifted in the past year.
Half of those surveyed said they eat more protein to increase their energy levels and to stay fuller for longer. Four in ten said a high protein intake helps them manage their weight.
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Birmingham Convenience Store License Revoked Over Illegal Sales
A convenience store owner in Wembley has been slapped with a six month custodial sentence and a nearly £2,000 fine including prosecution costs for selling illegal tobacco once again.
Retailer Jaydeep Bharat Thakkar, who owns Sangit Paan House on High Road in Wembley, has been prosecuted five times for selling smuggled tobacco products.
Brent Council on Friday (28) informed that Thakkar who owns Sangit Paan House on the High Road in Wembley has been been given a six month custodial sentence.
This is the fifth time in recent years that he has been prosecuted for selling illegal tobacco products which have been smuggled into the country, stated the council.
Brent Council’s Trading Standards Team raided the business owners premises after a tip-off on Thakkar's final day of his previous eight week suspended sentence.
The team not only found thousands of illegal products that Thakkar was planning to sell, but also found a new storage unit that he was using to hoard a large amount of illegal tobacco.
The products were found in the additional unit that the business had recently purchased, this is despite the business owner suggesting after his fourth sentence that he would be selling his shop and business.
Councillor Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member for Environment and Enforcement, said, “I am thankful for this judgement as the business owner has been shown to repeatedly ignore or learn after previous sentences.
“It is so important as we enter a smoke free generation, that tobacco controls are complied with and I am so happy with the Trading Standards team for making sure that these illegal cigarettes are not being sold in Brent.
"The Council’s Trading Standards team are committed to tackling the illicit tobacco trade in Brent and will continue with targeted enforcement operations and may prosecute those involved in this illegal activity."
Councils have been doubling down on businesses selling illegal cigarette, vapes and other fake products.
Earlier this year, calls were raised to "name and shame" the businesses which have been prosecuted for selling illegal tobacco or vapes.
West Yorkshire Joint Services, which runs Trading Standards, told members of Bradford Council's Corporate Scrutiny Committee that court fines were often limited and not a deterrent and publicising businesses and people involved in criminal activities could be a more effective punishment than any fine handed out by the courts.
Nisa Local store in Cambridgeshire, Ash's Shop, owned and run by retailer Amit Puntambekar was recently visited by a local MP as he heard about the retailer's issues and contribution.
The store visit took place on Thursday (27), where Ian Sollom MP visited Nisa Local in the village Fenstanto to discuss store owner Puntambekar’s experience with retail crime and his invaluable community work.
The visit began with an introductory chat as well as a store tour, before an in-depth discussion of the following areas:
Operational costs and challenges
Ongoing incidents of shop theft and violence
The importance of investing time into developing staff
The importance of relationship building with regular customers
Over the past few months, convenience store body Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has been encouraging retailers to meet with members of parliament by inviting them to visit local shops, highlighting the important work they do for their communities and sharing what support they need from the government.
ACS chief executive James Lowman said, “We are glad to see MPs engaging with our retailers to listen to their concerns and show their interest in local issues affecting the convenience sector.
"We strongly encourage everyone to continue to conduct these store visits, as it is important to show real-life examples of local issues that affect your business so you can get the support you need."
Puntambekar has been vocal against rising cases of violent crime and abuse, challenging the general perception that shop theft is "victimless", detailing the intensity and effects of such crimes.
Earlier this year, he was left badly injured in a violent incident when he was punched in the face by a shoplifter.
Puntambekar revealed to Asian Trader at the time, "I was punched in the face by a shoplifter. I then had to detain him for 20-25 minutes until the police came out," said the retailer.
Calling for safety for retail work force, Puntambekar stated, "Shop theft is not harmless.
“It causes major psychological damage and anxiety to retail teams. More worryingly, the physical violence is abhorrent. Nobody should have to think about going to work and being attacked.”
A lifeline for more than 3,400 people of Fenstanton in Cambridgeshire, Ash’s Shop has been serving the community since 1988.
Second generation retailer Amit Puntambekar has been running the store since 2017 after taking the charge from his parents and has plans to take it to new heights.